Oh god, today is already Febraury 4, 2010. On December 19, 2009 Tongyal posted a piece on his 2010 resolutions. He writes: “All bloggers should resolve to post at least 2 posts a week (will seem very less for the regular bloggers, but let’s take the lazier counterparts into consideration). When I read it then, I thought two posts a week were f less for any bloggers. But I was rereading his post again yesterday. I counted his posts and mine that came out in 2010. As of 27th January 2010, Tongyal has only three posts and he is already into the fourth week of January. And look at me – even worse. I have only two posts so far. The trend of not writing or rather complacency started in the last month of 2009. Well, for Tongyal, I can understand he is busy with books. But what am I doing here? I didn’t have internet connection for nearly two weeks. Maybe that might excuse me if I be a little considerate to myself. On the whole it is complacency that gets better off me. Last y...
... of BIG and small things around me