People line up for their share of coupons This weekend my family had to pay a hefty price for my complacency. They braved two cold winter mornings and evenings without a warm heater. It was difficult for the electric heaters to maintain the same warmth that the Korean kerosene heaters provide. But without crude oil, our heater stood in the middle of the living room, idle. We could not buy it from the Bhutan Oil Distributors (BOD) as we had no coupon. I forgot to collect it from the Trade Office and no amount of search paid any dividend. Almost there This is interesting. In Bhutan we cannot buy kerosene like other commodities. Petrol and other fuels are much easier to purchase. I have seen people at the fuel stations buying petrol or diesel and taking them in their jerry cans. When it comes to kerosene, the authorities go strict and monitor everything. At least they seem to do so. Kerosene is the domain of the poor people like us. The richer lots have no use for this...
... of BIG and small things around me