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CBB Magazine in the offing

We had this idea since the conception of Community of Bhutanese Bloggers (CBB) a year ago. But we failed to breathe life into it so far. I am really happy that we got an opportunity to talk about Annual CBB Magazine (finally) during the recent Bhutanese Bloggers Meet. 

A Committee is working on this. We are currently in the process of selecting the articles from the members' blogs. We are also encouraging the fellow Bloggers to help us identify what they feel is their best blog entries. 

The birth of Gyalsey is one of the most important themes of our first CBB magazine and the equally important is the celebration of the fifth Royal Weeding Anniversary of His Majesty the King and Her Majesty the Gyaltsun. 

We will also be exploring "Blogging" in Bhutan in this maiden issue. 

Unlike other magazines, we have the content ready on our blogs; we just need to do a careful selection of our blog entries. We also have bloggers, who can design magazines and have an excellent collection of photographs. But most important of all, our fellow bloggers have a great connection with other people. That's why we feel it will help us garner some support from the business establishments. 

As requested, we would like to once again request fellow CBB members and other bloggers to kindly help us identify blog posts that fit the above-mentioned themes. You can share links to CBB Group or simply email us. We seek your wholehearted support in this. 

Thank you!


  1. Nawang sir, it a great idea to have this platform to share every bloggers thoughts and expression... Hope we can make some differences in the world of reading and writing....thanks

  2. Being in the core committee I share your excitement equally. But seriously I am having hard time selection ONE article for the magazine.
    This is one very physical thing that will bring all bloggers together, that's why I am ready to give my time and energy.

  3. Words of encouragement from Passu. Great thing!

  4. The spirit of sharing is awesome. Being united together will bring tremendous benefits to everyone.


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