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Showing posts from 2020


  That in the end is what we make out of it. After all, a block is something everyone suffers once in a while, but they have overcome it by doing more and more regularly. Such is the power of practice – you can already feel it coming back. Such is the power of consistency - imagine how much better it would come out if we do it on a more regular basis.    I am a firm believer that we need practice but have failed more than once to keep up to that belief. Now I believe that everyone does this regularly. That's why, I need to invest more time and effort in honing this skill. I know I have deviated a lot from my original thought process, and I am aware of it. But I am also doing it with a purpose. And that's to say that I am going through a lot these days and have failed to express myself more effectively.  

Sanity check

I admire people who have it in themselves and who can really touch their readers with their expressions and words. Such people need to keep up the habit and hone it further. And Bhutanese are good at  expre ssing them selves. That's a rare skill. We must encourage our young ones to follow.   There are also many Bhutanese who can debate at length with words and expressions. There are many who hide behind their masks and express their anger and frustration using anonymity as the tool that protects them. Going through some of these posts, I am forced to believe that these people can do wonders given the avenues to express themselves fully with no hesitations. How much will we develop if they come out and raise voices openly against injustices and frustrations they confess to undergo under the systems that cripple their imaginations and creativity.   I am fully convinced that writing is no small feat and that it takes a lot of practice and hard work and sweat, so they say, to...