There are also many Bhutanese who can debate at length with words and expressions. There are many who hide behind their masks and express their anger and frustration using anonymity as the tool that protects them. Going through some of these posts, I am forced to believe that these people can do wonders given the avenues to express themselves fully with no hesitations. How much will we develop if they come out and raise voices openly against injustices and frustrations they confess to undergo under the systems that cripple their imaginations and creativity.
I am fully convinced that writing is no small feat and that it takes a lot of practice and hard work and sweat, so they say, to come up with something that is readable. Writing consistently is the key. If that can be done, half the work is done while the other rests on your editors.
But why am I doing it and what's the point? I don't know how this post came to be - an exercise to bring back my sanity?
As much as it's a call to all those who pen bard-like and yet don on a mask of anonymity, it's also a call in itself to you because I know every writer finds themselves near their creative blackhole and feel helplessly stultified. Happy New Year, sir.